
Sometimes people’s portfolios remind us of our uncle’s garage.

It was filled to the brim with garden tools, old pieces of wood, and a lot more. We’re sure all of it was very important to him at some point but looked quite chaotic. When we recently helped him move, most of that stuff went into a dumpster. Sorry, Uncle! But not much use for a steel banister from a house you lived in 28 years ago.

We don’t want the same fate for your scattered portfolio.

Maybe you have an old 401(k) from a job you had 10 years ago, a hundred shares of Disney stock on a piece of paper sitting in your safe, or you opened a Robinhood account during the pandemic and you’re just now remembering it because we mentioned it. Or something else that’s pretty common: investments at various institutions. When we talk about the benefit of diversification, we mean diversification in the investments you own, not where they’re held. Holding shares of the same stock at different institutions can lead to that garage-like chaos. Consolidating your investments in one place gives you more clarity on what you have and how it all fits together, avoiding over-concentration. Not to mention cutting down on the mountains of tax forms you need to juggle.

So, what’s the solution?

We can help uncomplicate your clutter and consolidate your assets. We have a lot of experience with it.

We do the heavy lifting for you, the boring and the complicated stuff, to help you retrieve and transfer accounts. We will call to the various institutions for you, make sure a real person is on the line, explain the situation, then bring you into the conversation.

What could take hours, is boiled down to just minutes of your time.

I wish we had this kind of customer service when we were cleaning out our uncle’s garage!

Give is a call to get started consolidating. At Mahler Wealth Management, we help bring clarity and confidence to your finances so you can focus on living your best life.