Risk Management

There are some things in life we may not necessarily enjoy doing, but know we need to, like exercising, eating vegetables, or making the bed. You may feel the same way about protecting yourself against risks to your health and wealth… things you may not even see coming. You can try to ignore them, but chances are, you’ll face some of these risks at some point, like volatile markets, disability, or death. That last one will definitely happen to all of us eventually. And while we can’t predict the timing of these events, we can prepare for them.

If you’re seriously injured and can't work, that’s a huge risk to your wealth. But that’s a risk that can be managed with disability insurance.

If you’re the breadwinner in the family, but you don’t have life insurance, your death could cause a huge financial struggle for your partner and children. That’s a risk that can be managed with life insurance.

And if you own a business, disability or death can have consequences for a lot of people like your family, partners, employees, and customers. That risk can be managed with disability and life insurance as well, but also liability coverage and a buy-sell agreement.

You can also build in protections around your investments with an annuity that provides a living benefit.

Even if the market goes down in the year you retire, part of your portfolio would be protected. Most high-net-worth investors have some sort of annuity in their portfolios for this reason.

Insurance is not the main focus of our business. But we are able to sell insurance when it’s appropriate in order to help you protect what you’ve worked so hard to build. We can help you find solutions customized to your specific needs, your stage of life, your family dynamics, and your appetite for risk.

And if you already have policies, we can take a look at those and help you determine whether they’re still right for you, or possibly need to be adjusted

At the end of the day, we want what’s best for you and your family. So give us a call and we can talk about your options. We promise not to bug you about eating your vegetables!

At Mahler Wealth Management, we help bring clarity and confidence to your finances so you can focus on living your best life.