
Do you have an old friend who just gets you? Maybe you met as kids and grew up together and the conversations are just so natural. We hope that this is the start of a lifelong relationship like that now that you’re joining Mahler Wealth Management.

We are excited to work with you.

As we get going on this journey, you’ll hear from us a lot over the next few months. There will be a flurry of activity on our side as we work on setting up your accounts, doing any necessary rollovers, and addressing any immediate financial needs you have.

While on your side the process is simple and easy. We’ll reach out to get some personal and financial information from you, and have you sign some documents either electronically or on paper, whatever you prefer. The rest is on us. You’ll also get online access so you can see your accounts in real time and track your investments.

After 30 days, we’ll check in to go over your account, make sure you understand your statements, and answer any questions. And we’ll meet on a regular basis to adjust your financial plan when needed, update your goals as your life evolves, and just catchup on your life. That’s the part we really love. And we can’t wait to get started!

At Mahler Wealth Management, we help bring clarity and confidence to your finances so you can focus on living your best life.